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Share a PDF of a Text Comparison

  • Florian 
  • 2 min read

Sometimes it’s very convenient to share the exact changes in a body of text with a coworker who doesn’t have Kaleidoscope. Generating a PDF of a text comparison is a great way of doing that.

Kaleidoscope 5 Wallpaper

For every major release, we continue to evolve the Kaleidoscope design. Like last year, we came up with a new wallpaper. Some of us dig it so much that we are using ever since, so we want to also share it with you. Each wallpaper comes in light and dark variants to match your preferred appearance.

Edit comparisons on the fly in Kaleidoscope 4

  • Florian 
  • 5 min read

Quite a few users over the years have told us they need to be able to add new text into comparisons. Kaleidoscope 4 adds that ability by allowing you to convert any comparison into a merge that can be edited.

Using Custom Keyboard Shortcuts in Kaleidoscope

  • Florian 
  • 4 min read

When selecting keyboard shortcuts for menu commands, we generally try to follow best practices. Still, our choices won’t please all users. Every so often, we receive feedback asking us to change a shortcut or to provide the ability to customize shortcuts. Luckily there’s a solution in plain sight.

Kaleidoscope artwork for your Desktop

  • Florian 
  • 2 min read

As mentioned on Twitter, while working with us on some things for a new version of Kaleidoscope, Peter created this beautiful artwork. Immediately, I wanted to use it as a desktop picture (wallpaper) for all of my devices. To this day it’s in constant use on both my iPad and my MacBook Pro.