How to use Kaleidoscope for a merge conflict
When using git from the command line you need to know the difference between difftool and mergetool. This short article explains their difference.
When using git from the command line you need to know the difference between difftool and mergetool. This short article explains their difference.
We received feedback about keyboard shortcuts no longer working in the text merge since the recent Kaleidoscope 5.2 release. While it’s true that we changed some shortcuts, all functionality remains intact, and we believe more consistent and usable than before. In this post, we’ll provide background on navigation and merge actions, explain the rationale behind the changes, and offer tips on how to revert to the old behavior if you still prefer that after reading.
Kaleidoscope 5.2 adds news tricks to support you even better when dealing with merge conflicts, in particular Git merge conflicts.
Following the addition of Git File History in Kaleidoscope 4.1, in this latest update we wanted to tackle merge conflicts by adding more context provided by Git. New tools enable you to understand conflicts better and thus resolve them faster.
Merge conflicts can often be the show stopper when there’s a quick task you are try to finish up. While modern version control systems like Git and hg have much more robust merge capabilities, when…
VSCode is a powerful IDE that can be used with all the world’s programming languages. The new Kaleidoscope extension for VSCode allows you to compare entire files, compare a selection of text, show git difftool results and run git mergetool.